学术青年计划 at pg电子游戏试玩 is a collection of education programs located at the pg电子游戏试玩 Vicksburg Expansion Center. 的 AYP will provide students with individualized comprehensive advising on personal development, 职业意识, 基于计算机的学术支持, 目标设定. We also provide a forum for peer interaction and project based learning focusing on topics such as peer pressure, 自尊, 健康和福利, 以及其他感兴趣的话题. All of the courses are taught in the traditional classroom setting along with online courses. Courses target students from elementary school up to advanced college graduate. Subjects offered include: Mathematics, English, Reading, and Science. Students will have the opportunity to visit the campus of pg电子游戏试玩 and attend a variety of sporting events and information forums on campus.



的 purpose of the pg电子下载 维克斯堡大学准备计划 is to provide students the opportunity to receive tutoring, 咨询, and individualized instruction to help them prepare for college.

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