负责部门: Center for Information Technology 服务
Center for Information Technology 服务


An internet usage policy dictates what is deemed to be appropriate internet browsing behavior in the workplace. This policy typically enforces time restrictions for employees when browsing the internet for non-work-related tasks as well as stipulating what genres of sites they are allowed to browse. 有互联网使用政策, which can also be referred to as an acceptable use policy (AUP), ensures that employees are following directives that serve to safeguard their work environment and the IT network infrastructure.

This 互联网使用政策 applies to all Students, 教职员工 of pg电子游戏试玩 who have access to computers and the Internet to be used in the performance of their work. Use of the Internet by Students and Employees of pg电子游戏试玩 is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the business. 然而, access to the Internet through University is a privilege and all students and employees must adhere to the policies concerning Computer, 电子邮件和互联网使用. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination of employment. Students or Employees may also be held personally liable for damages caused by any violations of this policy. All students and employees are required to acknowledge receipt and confirm that they have understood and agree to abide by the rules hereunder.


  1. Computer, email and internet usage:

    • University students and employees are expected to use the Internet responsibly and productively. Internet access is limited to academic related or job-related activities only and personal use is not permitted.
    • Job-related activities include research and educational tasks that may be found via the Internet that would help in an employee’s role
    • 所有组成的Internet数据, transmitted and/or received by University’s computer systems is considered to belong to university and is recognized as part of its official data. It is therefore subject to disclosure for legal reasons or to other appropriate third parties
    • 设备, services and technology used to access the Internet are the property of University and the university reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic and monitor and access data that is composed, sent or received through its online connections
    • Emails sent via the company email system should not contain content that is deemed to be offensive. This includes, though is not restricted to, the use of vulgar or 骚扰 language/images
    • All sites and downloads may be monitored and/or blocked by university if they are deemed to be harmful and/or not productive to business
    • The installation of software such as instant messaging technology is strictly prohibited
  2. Unacceptable use of the internet by students and employees includes, but is not limited to:
    • 发送或张贴歧视性信息, 骚扰, or threatening messages or images on the Internet or via university’s email service
    • Using computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or software, film or music piracy
    • Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s password without authorization
    • 下载, copying or pirating software and electronic files that are copyrighted or without authorization
    • Sharing confidential material, trade secrets, or proprietary information outside of the organization.
    • Hacking into unauthorized websites
    • Sending or posting information that is defamatory to the company, 其产品/服务, 同事和/或客户
    • Introducing malicious software onto the company network and/or jeopardizing the security of the organization’s electronic communications systems
    • 连锁信件:发送或邮寄连锁信件, 募捐, or advertisements not related to business purposes or activities
    • Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization


– If a student or an employee is unsure about what constituted acceptable Internet usage, then he/she should ask his/her Dept. Head/Supervisor for further guidance and clarification.